XURJ - Tech Company That Delivers

Solving Problems via Promising Tech Solutions.

Our Products

PayQ - Collect Payments

Smooth payment collector for Google Forms™


MailQ - Mail Merge

Want to send your organization's bulk email from Google Sheets? MailQ is the ultimate solution for managing your mail campaign from a single Google Sheet

sheets gmail

SlackQ - Google Forms™ to Slack Notifications

Send notifications with Google Form response to your slack when a Google form is filled.


TelegramQ - Telegram Notifications for Google Forms™

Send notifications with Google Form response to your Telegram when a Google form is filled.


DiscordQ - Send Notification to Discord for Google Forms™

Send notifications with Google Form response to your Discord when a Google form is filled.


WhatsQ - WhatsApp™ Notifications for Google Forms™

Send notifications with Google Form response to your slack when a Google form is filled.


SMSQ - SMS Notifications for Google Forms™

Send notifications with Google Form response to your slack when a Google form is filled.



CertQ is a useful extension that lets you create certificate, Invitations based on the data you have in the sheet and can send it to multiple recipients.

sheets drive

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